Become a VIP seller on Jumia

Q & A
Obtain a better badge
With our Advantage Scheme, your engagement on Jumia is rewarded! The more you invest, the more you sell! Get more visibility, a Premium Experience, and much more. Thanks to your online reputation (your Seller Score) and your sales, improve each month to acquire the next badge. We look forward to seeing you with a Gold badge and plenty of advantages!





< 28d

> 28d

> 28d

> 28d

Your Seller Score

< 4.3

≥ 4.3

≥ 4.6


< 1,000,000

≥ 1,000,000

> 5,000,000

Number of item sold per month

< 50

≥ 50

> 300

Payment terms (after delivery)





No deduction for customer compensation


Volume allowance for main commercial events

Fixed DOL




Access to VIP Open CP campaigns



Jumia subsidizing products (eg through vouchers)



Premium visibility (Guaranteed monthly presence e.g. NL, PN, Homepage, Cat page)



VPU rebate


Compulsory Jumia University training





Studio rebate

30 First SKU's free

Dedicated account manager


requirements needed to unlock JAP tier's advantages.

(1) events such as "Black Friday" or "Mobile Week".

(3) 1 specific newsletter per week sent to our customers with vouchers available for your best product.